Team Indian Tours is fully Vaccinated

Enhanced Travel And Stay Guidelines Post Covid-19 Scenario

As always, We at Indian Photo Tours feel proud in delivering quality Photo Mentoring along with top notch Hospitality at its core where the safety of our Photo-Travellers and employees has always been our number one priority !! 


We are pleased to share with all concerned that we have moved towards an elaborate and extensive Travel Safe and Stay Safe policy implementation that seeks and provide upgraded travel and stay norms, behaviours and standards to ensure that both our fellow photographers, guests and our employees are focused on enhanced social interactions & distancing, and workplace protocols including our Travel , Boarding and Lodging practices, all while ensuring quality learnings and transparency throughout your journey with complete confidence, as travel resumes…


We create Strict Covid Prevention protocols during our Expeditions . Our Exclsuive Travel Safe and Stay Safe policy provides enhanced secure travel and stay norms, behaviours and standards which includes controlled social interactions & distancing all while ensuring quality learnings and transparency throughout the journey with complete safety and confidence for our guests. 


Wearing of Masks and temperature monitoring are the new norms.  Meeting and Convention Spaces During our indoor sessions such as Introductory, Technical or our extremely popular Image critic and review sessions, our seating arrangements shall allow for physical distancing between guests. 


Team Indian Photo Tours & our Partners are now fully vaccinated...


Download our Safety Brochure 

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Text Copyright Indian Photo Tours 2022 ; Photo Credits Dheeraj Paul , Sanjiv Bhandula and various Participants/ Photo-enthusiasts who have travelled with us as well as attended various activities conducted by Indian Photo Tours.